Hi y'all! Savanna has been such a hoot lately, especially now that she's walking all over and creates chaos and clutter whereever she goes! She tries to run, but still has the waddle going on and usually her legs try to move faster than her body can keep up. But she's really getting the hang of walking and getting pretty fast at it...faster than our dogs would like!
Savanna has her first swim class starting tomorrow. It's a "Mommy and Me" swim class, should it should be fun. She loves the water and swimming, thus far. We just need to work on her getting more comfortable, learning how to hold her breath, and just some standard safety tips. Of course if she learns a reverse triple pike off the 10 meter platform, that would be fine too.
Baby Reagan and mommy are doing great. I'm almost 6 months along, so only about 3 months to go. I haven't done a single thing to prepare for Reagan yet, though there's not much to do, except for doing Savanna's new room and buying some clothes for Reagan. They'll be on total opposite seasons, so that means a whole new wardrobe. But we have everything else we need, which is wonderful!
Oh yeah, and daddy is doing fine too.
Haha, just kidding. Paul is doing great and has been really busy with charters and has been out of town here and there. But when he's home, he's been a great help with Savanna and around the house to help ease the load off me! Although he still hasn't volunteered to scrub toilets yet (I can only hope!). Such a wonderful husband and father, and Savanna absolutely lights up when she sees him!
Friday, July 24, 2009
July 2009
Posted by Kahalley's at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Dancing With The Star
Savanna absolutely loves music! She's always dancing, and most recently began singing! Let's just hope she doesn't inherit her mama's extreme tone deafness and complete inability to carry a note! Not sure why there are two images, but click on the one with the video Play arrow button.
Posted by Kahalley's at 9:10 PM 0 comments
It's a girl!!!!!

Posted by Kahalley's at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Look at me!
I'm walking! I'm walking! Savanna took her first steps last Wednesday, June 24! Mommy guessed it would be at 14 months, and Savanna decided to start a little early, at about 13 1/2 months. She's really getting the hang of it, but of course she's pretty unsteady and getting used to her new abilities. She's so proud of herself and loves to show off! She's always on the go, always getting into stuff she shouldn't, and loves exhausting mom's poor pregnant body beyond belief! It's all good though, since I know things will be 1000x crazier when baby #2 shows up! Hope y'all enjoy the videos! Oh and please disregard how messy the house it...how embarrassing.
Posted by Kahalley's at 12:16 PM 0 comments