Wow, sorry it's been so long! I've been so incredibly exhausted...if anyone doesn't already know, we're expecting baby #2!!!! My due date is November 18th. I'm a million times more exhausted this time around, but otherwise feel fine.
Savanna is just over 11 months old. I can not believe she's almost a year!!!! Where has the time gone? Her birthday is on Saturday, May 9th, and we'll be having a birthday party for her at our house. I wish Paul's family wasn't so far away!
Savanna is still motoring around on all fours, pulling up really well, but not yet standing up by herself or walking on her own. I'm sure that's right around the corner....look out! She just cracks us up every day and has such a silly personality.
Here are some recent pics. We'll be getting her 1 year professional photos done in the next couple weeks so I'll be sure to post those, as well as pics from her party!
Much love to you all!
Just another Tuesday night in a tent...
11 years ago
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